Ruby in the Rough is a free online magazine that hopes to encourage unmarried Christian women to:
- Live content, fruitful, joyful, sold-out lives for Christ.
- Uncover the Biblical relationship principles that can free them from bondage, transform their lives and enable those who do get married to marry well.
Why are we called Ruby in the Rough?
Well “a diamond in the rough” refers to a person who has exceptional qualities or potential but lacks refinement or polish. In the Bible, virtuous women are compared to rubies rather than diamonds:
Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies (Proverbs 31:10)
Ruby in the Rough hopes to help unmarried Christian women grow in virtue to the point that they shine like polished rubies and to conduct themselves with men in a way that is deeply attractive to a prospective husband and to God.
Who are we?
Ruby in the Rough is a ministry of Hambro Road Baptist Church, Streatham, London ( The individual authors are from a range of different church backgrounds. All hold to the statement of faith found on this site.
Contact Us
Telephone: 0777 967 4346.