We are called as Christians to honour marriage: Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral (Hebrews 13:4). In the last decade the church has been vigorously defending the institution of marriage. However, the institution of marriage (more…)
Category: Relating to men
10 Ways Women Dress Immodestly
Most of us Christian women hopefully don’t get up on a Sunday morning and say to ourselves, ‘How can I look sexy, hot and seductive for church?’ We want to honour God through the way we dress (Romans 12, 1 Cor 6:19-20, 1 Tim 2:9). We don’t want to cause our brothers to stumble (Romans 14:21,15:1-7). (more…)
Can Men & Women Be “Just Friends”?
One of the big questions hovering around the topic of courtship and dating is the role of friendship. How intimate of a friendship with someone of the opposite sex is OK? How do I move from friendship to dating? Won’t the friendship be ruined if one of us expresses romantic interest and the other doesn’t respond favorably? (more…)
Biblical Courtship: What Is It?
If you’re reading this, you’re interested in courtship/dating. You’ve done it, you’re doing it, you’d like to do it, or you need to teach somebody else how to do it. Don’t worry. You’re not alone. In our society, dating has become something of an obsession. It is expected to be a universal phenomenon. It’s just something you do if you’re single and of age (and that age is quickly dropping) in America. (more…)
Courtship vs Boyfriends (What’s the difference?)
What is the difference between a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship involving two Christians and courting? This is a question I get asked a lot! I think one of the key differences can be summed up by a single word: ‘BELONGING’. Let me explain! (more…)
Voddie Baucham on dating
Voddie Baucham is an American pastor, father of 9 children and has some very, very challenging teachings on relationships and dating. Here are 10 thought-provoking quotes of his from different sermons and interviews (more…)
A great danger when relating to men
Imagine you have met a guy and he is totally into you. He calls you non stop to the point of excess. He is ready to cancel any plans he has to be with you. If you are feeling slightly claustrophobic around him and act a little bit colder than usual, he does not mind at all and only wants to spend more time with you. If you start trying to avoid him a little to get your space, he only seems to be more interested. You can do no wrong. (more…)