Most of us Christian women hopefully don’t get up on a Sunday morning and say to ourselves, ‘How can I look sexy, hot and seductive for church?’ We want to honour God through the way we dress (Romans 12, 1 Cor 6:19-20, 1 Tim 2:9). We don’t want to cause our brothers to stumble (Romans 14:21,15:1-7). (more…)
Biblical Courtship: Navigating The Early Stages
As Christians in a courtship, we want to avoid hurting one another and dishonoring Christ by “defrauding” (see NASB translation of 1 Thessalonians 4:6) our brothers and sisters in Christ by implying — through word or action — a higher level of commitment to that person than we have made before God. (more…)
Courtship’s Potential Pitfalls
As a senior in High school, I had never even heard of such a thing as Christian Courtship. I went out with a guy if I thought he was cute, funny and if he liked me. I didn’t see anything wrong with enjoying the admiration and flirtation of a different guy every few months. (more…)
A Case For Courtship
Ladies, do you think it’s biblical for us Christian women to have boyfriends? Those who answer, ‘yes’ to that question will often provide the following reason: ‘Just because the Bible doesn’t talk about boyfriends, it doesn’t mean it’s wrong to have one. After all, the Bible doesn’t talk about driving, the internet (more…)
What Do Others Think Of Your ‘Not-Yet-Fiance’?
We often do not see ourselves as well as others see us. And sometimes we are so star struck with another person that we do not see the whole picture very clearly. While we don’t let others make our decisions for us, the Bible is clear that we are not to rely only on ourselves for wisdom. (more…)
Surrendering your ‘RIGHT’ to marry
What do the following Christian book titles have in common? ‘What to do until love finds you’, ‘Prayers and notes to my future husband’, ‘Before you meet prince charming’ and ‘Satisfaction as a single: while waiting on your husband’. (more…)
Can Men & Women Be “Just Friends”?
One of the big questions hovering around the topic of courtship and dating is the role of friendship. How intimate of a friendship with someone of the opposite sex is OK? How do I move from friendship to dating? Won’t the friendship be ruined if one of us expresses romantic interest and the other doesn’t respond favorably? (more…)
Biblical Courtship: How Should It Begin?
The first step in the process of moving toward marriage through the initiation of or participation in a godly relationship is to evaluate yourself spiritually. Remember, one of our guiding principles here is that we are trying to be (or prepare to be) a godly spouse even as we try to find a godly spouse. (more…)